Thursday, November 30, 2006


adj. 1. Rough, harsh; extreme, severe -- generally restricted to the elements or weather. Inclement is from Latin in-, "not" + clemens, "gentle, merciful." I am aware that you British Colombians have been exposed to some pretty inclement weather. Apparently the snow has come. So today, in honor of the snow that is in Canada, I de-frosted my freezer. I wish I took a photo. It was probably the one of the most satifying thing I`ve done in a long time. OUr freezer is tiny, so it was quite easy, there weren`t a lot of things in the fridge, and the ice just came off in huge sheets. I must have had at least a couple of kilos of ice in the sink when I was finished taking it all out. And now, the best part of all, is that it freezes ice at the setting 6 instead of having to turn it right up to 10. I marvel at the money we will save on our electricity bill. It is beautiful here. This is a plant growing out of the roof of the 200 + year old building across the street from us. It is thriving up here above everything in the sun. Its been rainy here a bit. Inclement rain, then beautiful clear days follow. One last image of the south of France and the weather here, inclement it is not. As much as I love it here, I am dying to wear my wool winter coat, I love it. Enjoy the snow, you BC residents, and make a snowman for me!!!


At 1:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ben, bon, je serais jalouse du beau climat provençal, sauf j'aime la neige. J'attache l'adresse de ton ancien camarade de class qui a pris des très beaux photos de la neige si t'ennuie de tout cela ( As-tu trouvé des jolis jeans de Nîmes? (un petit blague; I can't resist, sorry) Salut aussi à Ben; quelle surprise qu'il passe autant de temps en France! Joyeux Noël. T O'B.


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